It's been a while since I wrote to all of you - I've tried to answer individual e-mails, but haven't sent a group mail - Here's what's going on
First, and most importantly this week, is our Internet is now in our house - Not so many trips needed to the library!!
Dad has been attending Priesthood Preparation classes with four soon to be Melchizedek Priesthood holders - Elder Juran teaches them and dad answers questions they may have.  He will begin temple/family history lessons with them shortly.  He is amazed at how they soak up any information they get - The thinking is that when they receive the Melchizedek Priesthood at Stake Conference this Sunday, they will be in line for being made a branch before too long.
One class I went with Dad and sat in the kitchen in the house where it was held.  It's so difficult to communicate but we try - the women can speak some and their children are pretty good at translating.  Sister Dunkova (about 28 yrs) told me about her family in Slovakia - she is one of 9 children - she adores her mom but feels so badly for her.  She is abused by her husband, particularly when he is drunk - She says her mother prays morning and night and is full of faith - it is too bad she can't come to England to live with her daughter.  I guess that is pretty common; the other mother there (Sister Kondrakova) told me of her daughter living in Slovakia with her partner (pretty common here) those investigating  must marry obviously before baptism - English and Slovakian investigators are in this boat - Anyway, her daughter - aboout 23 - is also being abused - she is hoping the daughter and her two children will be coming back to England by July - Visiting with Sister Kondrakova I found at she is the age of Rob - She has several children married with children
I was shocked (actually she does look at lot older - I could be her mother)
We had a baptism several weeks ago (four children - I think I told you - they discovered they baptized one who wasn't eight yet - it is so hard to get all their birthdays straight -
Yesterday three teenage girls were baptized  - took several attempts to do it right - A Slovakian uncle baptized his niece and said it wrong - another didn't get all the way under - at least that is what one of the witnesses said - she was already dressed ready to go to the chapel when the Bishop came to me and said I needed to tell her she had to be baptized again - You've really got to be at one of these baptisms to understand what goes on :) 
We've met with the young elders/sisters with their investigators on a few occassions - one family thought they were attending the Church they had just been baptized in three weeks earllier - they liked our Church and told the missionaries to come to them - the name of the Church they belong to is the Hallejujah Church (one of the missionaries said it is big in Slovakia and England (kind of like the Southern Baptists) - anyway the pastor here is furious with the people coming to our Church - several of the members who were baptized earlier have returned to that Church and that doesn't help matters - The son of one of those still comes to Church - He is fanatic about music and plays the piano by ear very well - He wants me to come to his house next week and teach him how to play I Am a Child of God (which he already plays pretty well and Nearer My God To Thee (because it was sung in the movie Titantic)  Anyway, his father is the one who joined the Church first and now is criticizing it - he doesn't want the missionaries in his house so we'll see if his son prevails Dad and I will go there next Thursday - The boy is about 16-17 and could go either way - with Church or his father and sister - he seems to be the ring leader of the boys at Church so missionaries try to keep an eye on him - since I am the only piano player, he has warmed up to me for the time being anyway
Another investigator is trying to stop smoking - very hard - he is called the "godfather" of  the clan - They are so interrelated it will be hard for Dad to figure out their
pedigree and family group sheets - He plays the accordian and when we went in his house and he was playing, Dad started dancing (yes, believe that:)   He has had to cancel  his baptism several times - I think he is scheduled again in about a week
We had a mission conference in Leeds last week - OK I think I told you this - the scenery was right out of English novels - Jill you would have gone bananas seeing it - Dad had to drive the  narrow winding road - scared to death (I don't blame him) but we saw our first glimpse of real countryside in England
This week the zone is having a P-day together to go hiking in the Peaks District - perhaps we will go - I'm not sure - Dad and I can do it another time at a more leisurely pace -Apparently, it is a national park that everyone raves about its beauty.  I will be fixing dinner for the seven missionaries in our group on Tuesday - After trying to locate the ingredients I need - I don't know how often I can do this - it is so frustrating trying to find what I need - but the poor missionaries don't get fed very often
Well that's been our doings the past week or so - it doesn't sound like much really but we sure get tired - I think the driving stresses us both enough it wears us out.
It is Mothering Day in England today - the mothers received plants and believe it or not Sister Powell-Pepper the Primary coordinator got them to practice and sing
"Mother I Love You" in Sacrament Mtg. today - I can't even describe the chaos that goes on in Primary - We all meet in one room, quite large, but we have to handle about 30 children in there each Sunday - the kids roam, kick, talk loudly, and once in a while sit quietly - they are not really mean kids - it is just their upbringing and gypsy wandering that Dad says makes them act that way:)  Anyway, the song was great - they sang it in English and did very well - we tried to give them two pieces of chocolate in homemade paper baskets to give to their mothers after singing - the candy was eaten before the song began (not by the mothers!!)
We took the tram to downtown Sheffield last week - a great way to travel - we walked around some stores and went through the St. Peter and Paul Cathedral - It began being built in the 13th century - took about 400 years to finish it - we need to start venturing to further cities - on Friday we go to Leeds for a senior missionary activity
We were able to talk to Matt and Angie on Skype on Friday -so great - hope you will get connected if you are not already so we can talk to each of you and especially talk to the grandkids -We hope they are all doing well - we will try to get letters e-mailed or mailed to them as often as we can.
Well, we are about six weeks out - but who's counting :)  Today is an absolutely gorgeous day - in the 70's and sunny - best day we have seen yet!!