Monday, April 9, 2012

April 9, 2012

We hope everyone had a Happy Easter!! 
We, of course, spent Easter Sunday at Church with the Slovakians.  As I looked over the little group at Church, I wondered if we would still be with them next Easter and, if so, how different it might be.  Dad and I get to Church about an hour early--to help other missionaries set up for Primary and Sacrament meeting.  There are workers hired by the Stadium where we meet who set up chairs, microphones, etc. which helps.  We never know what changes will be made - I had figured out where I could take my little group of
2-6 year olds to give them a short lesson, have a few coloring/pasting activities, and then let them play with toys and have a snack without attracting all the older Primary children who would descend on the toys and snacks - I had it all figured out and then found out they were using the room where we should meet for a luncheon - that changed all the plans which is pretty normal - Dad keeps busy trying to make sure Sacrament meeting is organized and in place, communicating with the Slovakian group leaders to hopefully pray they are understanding how to conduct, who is speaking, etc. - then it's time to begin - they trickle in anywhere from 1 hour before to 1/2 hour late (the ward leaders and missionaries are trying to get them to come on time - One sister from the ward comes around 1 hour before to teach an English class to the adults which is a great thing for them.  By the way, we have a little computer keyboard (maybe I've said this already) - I am trying to figure out all the things we can do with it - it's pretty cool)  The younger missionaries set it up and make sure the sound system is working.  The Slovakians have a hymnbook with about 30 songs in it translated into their language (songs from our regular hymnbooks)
Easter Sunday went as follows: 
Dad picked three Easter songs to sing, made sure the speakers were ready and everything set up
Just before Church, the Slovakian group leaders changed the songs (to the only three they have sung so far) 
One Slovakian member who is scheduled to speak next week told Dad he wanted to speak this week instead because he wanted to bear his testimony on Easter Sunday
Dad asked Sister Freeman (who was going to speak and had prepared an Easter message in Slovakian) if she would now be willing to speak next Sunday
The Slovakian brothers started to pass the sacrament before they had blessed it - the Bishop took care of that quickly
The Primary age children after the Sacrament leave the room and go out in the hall or stadium to play (the parents stay quietly in the meeting)
The sister missionaries leave to corral the children who have discovered the elevator and are riding it up and down
Sacrament meetings moves along nicely - Brother Tomko bears his Easter testimony (not sure what he said since it's in Slovakian), Sister Dunka reads "The Living Christ" in Slovakian and Bishop McEwan, in English, gives an Easter message - Elder Juran translating it to Slovakian
OK - just a quick glance at our Sacrament meetings (I think Dad has a picture of the Stadium to attach to this e-mail)
But, with all the craziness, it is wonderful to see these band of members taking their baby steps further and further each week - We had 25 investigators at Church - It is amazing the work the missionaries do - usually investigator families bring other family members with them - so we see new people each week - 5 little boys (I told you there is sooo many boys) came into Primary about 15 minutes early--never seen them before although the missionaries knew who they were - one of our teachers is their school teacher also - they adore her - call her mum and miss - there's some new names for you Catherine :)
So it is all good - We had Easter dinner with four other missionaries at a ward members home who is on the ward missionary committee - we've been there before - an interesting couple I've told you about before - he loves to cook and went to chef's school - it was really good but we may have a heart attack before we get home :)
Potatoes and gravy, crusted meat pies, crusted apple pie with rich, rich cream--but all so good - We only eat there about every six weeks - We just have to be careful what we eat at home
We took the sister missionaries back to their assigned areas since they had one more hour of teaching time--so dedicated they all are--they told us that afternoon they had been walking down a street they felt they should go on--a white van with three men in it past them several times--as they continued walking they saw one of the men get out of the car - go up to a building a smash a window with a sledgehammer -they pretended not to notice and kept walking quickly--they then went to the police station to report it- they were so scared -
General Conference was different watching everything as a rebroadcast - With the help of Dad's computer,  the Slovakian group watched one session (Saturday afternoon I believe) as our Church meeting last Sunday - They are so attentive (except for the children who go out and play who knows where in the stadium :)
Easter Sunday went as follows: 
Dad picked three Easter songs to sing, made sure the speakers were ready and everything set up
Just before Church, the Slovakian group leaders changed the songs (to the only three they have sung so far) 
One Slovakian member who is scheduled to speak next week told Dad he wanted to speak this week instead because he wanted to bear his testimony on Easter Sunday
Dad asked Sister Freeman (who was going to speak and had prepared an Easter message in Slovakian) if she would now be willing to speak next Sunday
The Slovakian brothers started to pass the sacrament before they had blessed it - the Bishop took care of that quickly
The Primary age children after the Sacrament leave the room and go out in the hall or stadium to play (the parents stay quietly in the meeting)
The sister missionaries leave to corral the children who have discovered the elevator and are riding it up and down
Sacrament meetings moves along nicely - Brother Tomko bears his Easter testimony (not sure what he said since it's in Slovakian), Sister Dunka reads "The Living Christ" in Slovakian and Bishop McEwan, in English, gives an Easter message - Elder Juran translating it to Slovakian
OK - just a quick glance at our Sacrament meetings (I think Dad has a picture of the Stadium to attach to this e-mail)
But, with all the craziness, it is wonderful to see these band of members taking their baby steps further and further each week - We had 25 investigators at Church - It is amazing the work the missionaries do - usually investigator families bring other family members with them - so we see new people each week - 5 little boys (I told you there is sooo many boys) came into Primary about 15 minutes early--never seen them before although the missionaries knew who they were - one of our teachers is their school teacher also - they adore her - call her mum and miss - there's some new names for you Catherine :)
So it is all good - We had Easter dinner with four other missionaries at a ward members home who is on the ward missionary committee - we've been there before - an interesting couple I've told you about before - he loves to cook and went to chef's school - it was really good but we may have a heart attack before we get home :)
Potatoes and gravy, crusted meat pies, crusted apple pie with rich, rich cream--but all so good - We only eat there about every six weeks - We just have to be careful what we eat at home
We took the sister missionaries back to their assigned areas since they had one more hour of teaching time--so dedicated they all are--they told us that afternoon they had been walking down a street they felt they should go on--a white van with three men in it past them several times--as they continued walking they saw one of the men get out of the car - go up to a building a smash a window with a sledgehammer -they pretended not to notice and kept walking quickly--they then went to the police station to report it- they were so scared -
General Conference was different watching everything as a rebroadcast - With the help of Dad's computer,  the Slovakian group watched one session (Saturday afternoon I believe) as our Church meeting last Sunday - They are so attentive (except for the children who go out and play who knows where in the stadium :)
Well, things seem to be falling into a routine - we visit families during the week for birthdays, helping with homework, playing the piano for them, going with the younger missionaries on occasion - we go to a lot of meetings--district, ward, zone--dad is setting up family group sheets, etc. with them - The 12-14 year olds have a temple trip to Preston on April 21 - One boy says he wants to do a family name--Dad goes Tuesday to his home to make sure he really does so it can be cleared - he is going to meet with the unit group leaders on Wednesday to try to organize Sacrament meeting a little better and talk about the fathers giving their children blessings so their names our on the Church records
Well, that's sort of an idea of our weekly activities -

We are taking a bus excursion tomorrow to York for our P-day - We hope to see Yorkminster the big cathedral there, go to a restaurant the Morgan's recommended, and maybe Castle Howard if there is time -Our next e-mail we'll tell you how it went -
Church in the Don Valley Stadium (mission car & Barbara)

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