Monday, February 20, 2012


We did it 1st day!! Started by getting greeted by Brother Huish who volunteers here on Mondays - Shari's uncle - Got through our introductory rounds--checking in, etc.Met the senior missionary trainers--Brother and Sister Stock - on my family tree I discover -- about 30 couples here going to all parts of the world - 3 couples toRussia, two to the Phillipines, one to India, one to Bulgaria, several to United States, Canada, Austrialia, Caribbean Island, and just one to England :) among othersAte lunch with at least a thousand missionaries - met Camma and Wendall Zollinger (from Chevy Chase Ward many years ago) going to D.C. National Archives (will live in Kensington House Jill where I think you're parents live, saw Becky Douglas here for language training (husband will be mission president in some Spanish speaking mission)she now lives in Manhatten, Dad called as a District leader (he turned to me and said Oh crap!!) Don't think it involves anything except meeting in small teaching groups with them and any emergencies they might have (he says there better not be any)Went to look for shoes for Dad (long story) and to the bank, got our Visa (Dad's relieved) - Dinner again - wasn't even hungry - Found out we have to teach pseudo investigatorsas part of our Preach My Gospel training - forgot our alarm clock - hope we get up by 6am - ready for bed in new accommodations (sort of like a Marriott hotel room without phone or TV :)All in all, went well for our first day!! Love to all the kids - Tell them Grandpa and Grandma are thinking about them -more tomorrow.Love,Mom

February 21

OK i am now in the library -

Well, I guess this is our "P" day - Monday - Since we spent a lot of last week getting settled, it seems like everyday has been like a "P" day - We feel a little bit like slackers, but they did say that senior missionaries didn't have to keep the same schedule - so we'll see how this plays out -

We spent the last few days going to the homes of different members - We went from house to house in the little neighborhood where a lot of Slovakians live - They really are one big family, many relatives, etc. all living by each other or with each other - We went with Elder Juran who translates for us and this Slovakian couple who came from Scotland - One house the Scottish couple told how they found the Church in Scotland - it was pretty powerful; then the husband and wife of the home told about their conversion - At least three of the people we visited told about visions/dreams they had had that helped convince them to join the Church - I'm wondering if certain tribes of the House of Israel are prone to vision/dreams more than others - It also would be interesting to know what the tribe would be -

One house a relative came in who has not joined the Church yet - He has a real problem with the Trinity - They get very heated when they are discussing it - It was such a different feeling from the first house where they were telling their conversion stories - After about half an hour I told Elder Juran we probably should leave - Later he told me he has discovered that is just the way they converse - It reminds me of maybe Turkey, Russia the Middle East and the like -

A wife in one of the houses asked me what I thought about the Virgin Mary and pointed to the picture on her wall - Whew - how did I answer that? Probably not all that well - but she is a member of the Church so maybe I didn't do too much damage.

Another family the husband told how he had been so bad before joining the Church - smoking, drinking, gambling, abusive to his wife (who was the sweetest little thing) They had two children - Once he discovered the Church, he walked five miles each Sunday to go to Church - He said his whole countenance and behavior changed once he started to come.

The last house was down a little alley to the back of a building - Once inside you can see how run down everything is - the mother was there with five of her nine children!! The children love to see all the missionaries - probably more the younger ones than we older ones!!

That was our visiting day on Saturday - That night the Bishop had several of those families to his house for snacks and visiting - I don't think I'll every get used to how much they just sit and talk - They have much time on their hands since most of them do not have work - I have been startled to see how much the government does for them--housing, food - not sure what else - if they just attend English classes 3 times a week - The Church only fills in with emergencies - It is really sad to see how much they all rely on the government here -

The Scottish couple aren't sure whether they will move here or not - Neither of them have jobs in Scotland, either, but have a four bedroom house full of stuff they say that they would not be able to bring with them to Sheffield - Their housing would not be as adequate down here - Oh my - Hopefully, we can stop all this socialism in our government by next November - only been here a week or so and can see how it affects everything.

We spoke in Sacrament meeting - they only have two-hour block Primary/Sunday School first then Sacrament meeting - It's kind of different having to have a translater - I'm not sure how it was received but we did our best. I have been asked to help in Primary - When the children got there, they sat down (for a minute) listening; dark, curly haired little children - hardly anyone that even looks a little bit blond or blue eyed - I counted them (before they all got there) about 28 Primary children of which 22 were boys!! Three teachers each took a corner of the room to teach their lesson - I could tell the youngest group needed my help - The teacher did a great job - telling stories, arts and crafts, role play - but don't ask me what the little ones learned with everything spoken in English - I do know they loved to fight over chairs, go to the "toilet" and play with the water and hand drying machines, and run all over the place -

We came home pretty tired!! Sunday night we had to meet with the Bishop's counselors to go over the Church list of all the Slovakians and tell us a little bit about their situation. They said the Area Offices in the Church are e-mailing them constantly wanting them to get the stories down on paper for the history of the Slovakian members - They want us to help with that, meet with each family, teach them about Family Home Evening, prepare them for a temple visit in a few months (to do baptisms), and visit with the inactives in the group plus if we have time visit the inactives in the regular ward :)

I think we need to coordinate with the other 5 elders/sisters working with them - How do we not trample all over the members visiting them so often - we've got to figure that one out.

We actually went on a walk this morning (cold and blustery) but it is close to the house we live in - several lakes and green areas - we walked around one of the lakes (about2 or so miles)
It felt good to walk again after so many months - it didn't bother my foot very much.

We still have issues driving the car - I finally drove today to the shopping mall and can see things from Dad's perspective - It does seem the cars on the right are gonig to crash into you.

Coming home from the meeting last night - we had a car flashing his lights at us - When we got home we found the Bishopric member had followed us home to tell us we didn't have our lights on - Neither Dad or I realized it - In fact, we nearly hit into a stone wall crossing a bridge - I hope we make this!!

Well, that's most of our happening this week - We need to go to the grocery store now -

Besides chocolate chip cookie recipes, I need Catherine's chicken noodle soup recipe and anyone who will send the chili stack up recipe - How think the Elders don't get very many dinner appointments (nor the sisters either) so I think I better try to fix something every week or so - One elder misses Mexican food big time!!

Well, another two weeks before the computer is up, so probably will be visiting the library a few more times!!

Take care everyone - we've got your pictures on the fridge to remind us everyday of our great family - Love to the grandkids!!

Grandma and Grandpa Bond

1st Week in England

We finally found a library in Sheffield where we can use the Internet - Our computer will not be up and running for about two more weeks -

We arrived very tired about 24 hours (using England time) after we left - I'm afraid we could not sleep on the plane - The mission president, wife and two elders met us at the airport, then took us for a little drive around Manchester and Leeds, into Chorley (where the Preston Temple is), to a little area where Heber C Kimball baptized many people (behind a Methodist church where a little creek runs (we had a song, prayer, and dedication moment - I'll explain all that later) Only problem was we were so tired we didn't appreciate all of what we were seeing - then back to the mission home for dinner and then a ride to our new home which took about 45 minutes - We absolutely crashed when we hit the bed and slept for about 12 hours!!

We are very fortunate - living in the home of a previous member of the stake presidency who has been hired as a CES instructor south of London - he is renting his house to us while we are here - It is four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, dining room,living room, kitchen - I remind you, however, it is less than 2/3 the size of a typical home like that in America - But, for us, it is great!!

We have been driven by the missionaries everywhere - we have no idea how to find things (we will buy a map today and our trying to get the England app for the GPS - Don't know how long that will take) but we now can get to a grocery store and little shopping mall (Dad is doing great getting the driving down) The stores are more different than I expected - lots of products and things with different names

We have met with the Bishop of the Sheffield 1 Ward (the ward the Slovakians are under), met with the group leader of the Slovakians, his wife, six children, brothers, cousins, friends, all in a room about the size of the living room in our Draper house - They are amazing - We work with an Elder from Czech Republic who can speak and understand most of what they say - He is great and just got here about 1 week ago - Has a Mary Jane Bryan connection.

Went on an excursion with the father of the man we are renting our house from - took us to lunch and around the part of Sheffield we live in and tried to show us how to get around (you have to get behind the wheel though to remember anything - and also to remember not to run into anyone driving where you think you should be (:

Attended a zone conference yesterday for about 6-7 hours with about 60-70 missionaries (all you missionaries will understand that) Heard the mission president, his wife and President and Sister Walker speak (they are the MTC president/wife in Preston) Sister Walker is the daughter of President Hinckley )wow - was she great to listen to - has the mannerisms of Sister Hinckley - so funny and down to earth

Have to speak in Sacrament Mtg Sunday - Dad's dying - they told us to be very simple and it will be translated for us - He can't think of what to talk about - I brought a children's book about testimonys - I will take everything from that book :)

Will share our MTC experience later when we have time to write in our own home!!

Love to everyone - We can't stop missing all of you (especially Amber, Ethan, Charlotte, Spencer, Caroline, Elizabeth, William, Amelia, Chase, David, Alex, Ben, Morgan, Olivia, Whitney, Robby, Ethan!! Better not have missed anyone - Belated Happy Birthday Amber!!

We'll write again when we can


Mom and Dad - Grandma and Grandpa