Monday, February 20, 2012

1st Week in England

We finally found a library in Sheffield where we can use the Internet - Our computer will not be up and running for about two more weeks -

We arrived very tired about 24 hours (using England time) after we left - I'm afraid we could not sleep on the plane - The mission president, wife and two elders met us at the airport, then took us for a little drive around Manchester and Leeds, into Chorley (where the Preston Temple is), to a little area where Heber C Kimball baptized many people (behind a Methodist church where a little creek runs (we had a song, prayer, and dedication moment - I'll explain all that later) Only problem was we were so tired we didn't appreciate all of what we were seeing - then back to the mission home for dinner and then a ride to our new home which took about 45 minutes - We absolutely crashed when we hit the bed and slept for about 12 hours!!

We are very fortunate - living in the home of a previous member of the stake presidency who has been hired as a CES instructor south of London - he is renting his house to us while we are here - It is four bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths, dining room,living room, kitchen - I remind you, however, it is less than 2/3 the size of a typical home like that in America - But, for us, it is great!!

We have been driven by the missionaries everywhere - we have no idea how to find things (we will buy a map today and our trying to get the England app for the GPS - Don't know how long that will take) but we now can get to a grocery store and little shopping mall (Dad is doing great getting the driving down) The stores are more different than I expected - lots of products and things with different names

We have met with the Bishop of the Sheffield 1 Ward (the ward the Slovakians are under), met with the group leader of the Slovakians, his wife, six children, brothers, cousins, friends, all in a room about the size of the living room in our Draper house - They are amazing - We work with an Elder from Czech Republic who can speak and understand most of what they say - He is great and just got here about 1 week ago - Has a Mary Jane Bryan connection.

Went on an excursion with the father of the man we are renting our house from - took us to lunch and around the part of Sheffield we live in and tried to show us how to get around (you have to get behind the wheel though to remember anything - and also to remember not to run into anyone driving where you think you should be (:

Attended a zone conference yesterday for about 6-7 hours with about 60-70 missionaries (all you missionaries will understand that) Heard the mission president, his wife and President and Sister Walker speak (they are the MTC president/wife in Preston) Sister Walker is the daughter of President Hinckley )wow - was she great to listen to - has the mannerisms of Sister Hinckley - so funny and down to earth

Have to speak in Sacrament Mtg Sunday - Dad's dying - they told us to be very simple and it will be translated for us - He can't think of what to talk about - I brought a children's book about testimonys - I will take everything from that book :)

Will share our MTC experience later when we have time to write in our own home!!

Love to everyone - We can't stop missing all of you (especially Amber, Ethan, Charlotte, Spencer, Caroline, Elizabeth, William, Amelia, Chase, David, Alex, Ben, Morgan, Olivia, Whitney, Robby, Ethan!! Better not have missed anyone - Belated Happy Birthday Amber!!

We'll write again when we can


Mom and Dad - Grandma and Grandpa

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