Monday, February 20, 2012

February 21

OK i am now in the library -

Well, I guess this is our "P" day - Monday - Since we spent a lot of last week getting settled, it seems like everyday has been like a "P" day - We feel a little bit like slackers, but they did say that senior missionaries didn't have to keep the same schedule - so we'll see how this plays out -

We spent the last few days going to the homes of different members - We went from house to house in the little neighborhood where a lot of Slovakians live - They really are one big family, many relatives, etc. all living by each other or with each other - We went with Elder Juran who translates for us and this Slovakian couple who came from Scotland - One house the Scottish couple told how they found the Church in Scotland - it was pretty powerful; then the husband and wife of the home told about their conversion - At least three of the people we visited told about visions/dreams they had had that helped convince them to join the Church - I'm wondering if certain tribes of the House of Israel are prone to vision/dreams more than others - It also would be interesting to know what the tribe would be -

One house a relative came in who has not joined the Church yet - He has a real problem with the Trinity - They get very heated when they are discussing it - It was such a different feeling from the first house where they were telling their conversion stories - After about half an hour I told Elder Juran we probably should leave - Later he told me he has discovered that is just the way they converse - It reminds me of maybe Turkey, Russia the Middle East and the like -

A wife in one of the houses asked me what I thought about the Virgin Mary and pointed to the picture on her wall - Whew - how did I answer that? Probably not all that well - but she is a member of the Church so maybe I didn't do too much damage.

Another family the husband told how he had been so bad before joining the Church - smoking, drinking, gambling, abusive to his wife (who was the sweetest little thing) They had two children - Once he discovered the Church, he walked five miles each Sunday to go to Church - He said his whole countenance and behavior changed once he started to come.

The last house was down a little alley to the back of a building - Once inside you can see how run down everything is - the mother was there with five of her nine children!! The children love to see all the missionaries - probably more the younger ones than we older ones!!

That was our visiting day on Saturday - That night the Bishop had several of those families to his house for snacks and visiting - I don't think I'll every get used to how much they just sit and talk - They have much time on their hands since most of them do not have work - I have been startled to see how much the government does for them--housing, food - not sure what else - if they just attend English classes 3 times a week - The Church only fills in with emergencies - It is really sad to see how much they all rely on the government here -

The Scottish couple aren't sure whether they will move here or not - Neither of them have jobs in Scotland, either, but have a four bedroom house full of stuff they say that they would not be able to bring with them to Sheffield - Their housing would not be as adequate down here - Oh my - Hopefully, we can stop all this socialism in our government by next November - only been here a week or so and can see how it affects everything.

We spoke in Sacrament meeting - they only have two-hour block Primary/Sunday School first then Sacrament meeting - It's kind of different having to have a translater - I'm not sure how it was received but we did our best. I have been asked to help in Primary - When the children got there, they sat down (for a minute) listening; dark, curly haired little children - hardly anyone that even looks a little bit blond or blue eyed - I counted them (before they all got there) about 28 Primary children of which 22 were boys!! Three teachers each took a corner of the room to teach their lesson - I could tell the youngest group needed my help - The teacher did a great job - telling stories, arts and crafts, role play - but don't ask me what the little ones learned with everything spoken in English - I do know they loved to fight over chairs, go to the "toilet" and play with the water and hand drying machines, and run all over the place -

We came home pretty tired!! Sunday night we had to meet with the Bishop's counselors to go over the Church list of all the Slovakians and tell us a little bit about their situation. They said the Area Offices in the Church are e-mailing them constantly wanting them to get the stories down on paper for the history of the Slovakian members - They want us to help with that, meet with each family, teach them about Family Home Evening, prepare them for a temple visit in a few months (to do baptisms), and visit with the inactives in the group plus if we have time visit the inactives in the regular ward :)

I think we need to coordinate with the other 5 elders/sisters working with them - How do we not trample all over the members visiting them so often - we've got to figure that one out.

We actually went on a walk this morning (cold and blustery) but it is close to the house we live in - several lakes and green areas - we walked around one of the lakes (about2 or so miles)
It felt good to walk again after so many months - it didn't bother my foot very much.

We still have issues driving the car - I finally drove today to the shopping mall and can see things from Dad's perspective - It does seem the cars on the right are gonig to crash into you.

Coming home from the meeting last night - we had a car flashing his lights at us - When we got home we found the Bishopric member had followed us home to tell us we didn't have our lights on - Neither Dad or I realized it - In fact, we nearly hit into a stone wall crossing a bridge - I hope we make this!!

Well, that's most of our happening this week - We need to go to the grocery store now -

Besides chocolate chip cookie recipes, I need Catherine's chicken noodle soup recipe and anyone who will send the chili stack up recipe - How think the Elders don't get very many dinner appointments (nor the sisters either) so I think I better try to fix something every week or so - One elder misses Mexican food big time!!

Well, another two weeks before the computer is up, so probably will be visiting the library a few more times!!

Take care everyone - we've got your pictures on the fridge to remind us everyday of our great family - Love to the grandkids!!

Grandma and Grandpa Bond

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